
Archive for May 14th, 2007

In a previous post last December Cultural differences and missing children the issue was raised concerning how these differences impact missing children investigations.

This article revisits the issue by suggesting a high percentage of Amber Alerts in NC are for Latinos. In may be true, but in terms of numbers, other states such as California or Texas have a larger Latino population.

There is a cultural question that’s supported by the numbers. Latinos make up 7 percent of North Carolina’s population, but they’re involved in 30 percent of the 27 Amber Alerts issued in the state since the program began in 1992.

Most states didn’t adopt Amber Alert systems until 2000 or later so the percentages may be skewed. The North Carolina’s Amber Alert wasn’t even adopted until 2002.

The North Carolina AMBER Alert System was established in the summer of 2002 to provide a statewide system for the rapid dissemination of information regarding abducted children. The aim of this system is to use local radio and TV stations to immediately notify listeners of a reported or suspected criminally abducted child in their area.

Maybe Lou Dobbs can set the record straight

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